Membership Site Mastermind CLOSES TODAY – Last Chance to Join In 2009!
That’s right – today is the LAST DAY to join Membership Site Mastermind in 2009!
If you’ve ever considered launching a membership site to sell your valuable information, Yaro Starak is the right guru to listen to. Membership Site Mastermind takes you step by step through the learning process of planning, launching, and maintaining your own membership site.
What Makes MSM Unique
Let’s be honest – there’s no shortage of information on Internet marketing, whether it’s offered by newsletters, eBooks, reports or courses. And I’m sure you could find several resources online, both free and paid, that teach you how to launch a membership site. So, why is MSM unique? Why invest in Yaro Starak?
The best way I can answer that question is to explain to you why I joined the course. I’ve invested in A LOT of courses over my 4 years of online business experience, so I’ve experienced the joy, regret and confusion that come with the process of investing in training programs. The reason Yaro’s course stood out to me wasn’t so much the information he offered on how to launch and run a membership site, but the information he offered on what comes before such a commitment.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from purchasing training courses is my results will never be as good as the guru’s because I don’t have the resources of a guru. In order to launch a truly successful membership site, you’re going to have to have an existing audience – people you can email and blog to; people who already like to listen and learn from you. Without that, your results will be disappointing.
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Yaro understands this, so the entire first part of his course is focused on building, what he refers to as, preeminence.
adjective. eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing: He is preeminent in his profession.
Essentially, preeminence is proving your worth to your audience; proving you know what you’re doing; building relationships and standing out as an expert. Without preeminence, who will buy your course?
So, rather than focusing just on the actually management aspect of a membership site, Yaro helps you prepare for the actually launch date. Through building a successful Pre-Launch, your membership site should earn members from day one.
The actually management aspect is something that most of us could learn either through free resources or hands-on experience. But getting people to sign up – getting people to pay you for your information – that’s the real challenge. And that’s why I purchased MSM.
Yaro started out just like you and I – as one of a ton of other bloggers with little to no reputation and a minor audience. Today, Yaro is considered one of the most popular and well know blogging gurus. If he could achieve this, you and I certainly can too!
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Quick Overview
The course has three main parts to it: Pre-Launch, Launch and Post-Launch. Each module assigns weekly tasks for you to complete.
Module 1: Topic Selection and Preeminence
Task 1: Refine Your Topic
Task 2: Start Building Your Email List To Collect Prospects
Task 3: Plan Powerful Resources To Build Relationships
Task 4: Survey Your Prospects
Task 5: Determine Your Prospect’s Problems and Sticking Points
Task 6: Plan How Will You Demonstrate Preeminence
Task 7: Begin Executing Your Preeminence Plan
Task 8: Make A Shortlist of Potential Top Affiliates
Module 2: Traffic
Task 1: Buy a Domain Name and Set Up an Early Notice Email List
Task 2: Build (or continue to build) a Great Blog
Task 3: Drive Traffic to Your Email Newsletter
Task 4: Pick a Launch Date
Task 5: Create an Affiliate Email List
Task 6: Approach Potential Top Joint Venture Partners
Task 7: Suggest a Two-Tier Affiliate Recruitment Referral to a Top JV Partner
Task 8: Plan Your Lead Free Resource
Module 3: Human Resources and Technology
Task 1: Hire a Tech Guru on a Contract Basis
Task 2: Coordinate Your Customer Service, Project Management and Content Needs
Task 3: Plan Your Copywriting Requirements
Task 4: Set Up Your Membership Content Delivery and Protection System
Task 5: Set Up Your Affiliate Management System
Task 6: Choose a Payment Processor
Task 7: Set Up a System to Handle Customer Service
Task 8: Put all the Technology Pieces Together
Module 4: Content and Pricing
Task 1: Complete your Lead Free Resource
Task 2: Plan and Create Ancillary Launch Content
Task 3: Create Promotional Content for Affiliates
Task 4: Prepare your Partners for Launch
Task 5: Outline the Membership Content You Need BEFORE Launch
Task 6: Determine the Content You Produce and what can be Outsourced/Recycled
Task 7: Insert Content into Distribution System
Task 8: Research Pricing and Choose a Fee Structure for Your Launch
Module 5: The Launch Process
Task 1: Verify your Readiness For Launch Using This Checklist
Task 2: Prepare your Sales Page
Task 3: Complete Your Free Lead Resource
Task 4: Send Launch Emails and Publish Launch Blog Posts
Task 5: Remind Affiliates To Promote Everything, especially Your Lead Resource and Launch Day
Task 6: Monitor Engagement
Task 7: Open The Doors To Your Membership Site
Task 8: Alternative Launch Strategies
Module 6: Post Launch
Task 1: Deal With Initial Customer Support Demands Immediately
Task 2: Run A Teleconference and Assign An Immediate Result Task
Task 3: Survey Members Who Cancel To Isolate Attrition Problems
Task 4: Fix Significant Problems
Task 5: Test Key Elements of Your Sales Process
Task 6: Find New JV Partners and Conduct Tailored Promotions
Task 7: Implement An Integrated Marketing Strategy
Task 8: Automate For Passive Income
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What You Need Before You Launch a Membership Site
Remember that without an audience, you will be promoting your site to NO ONE. It’s imperative you have an email list or blog with existing readers. Now, Yaro will explain more about how to get these if you don’t already have them, but I want to give you this heads up – plan on building yourself a blog. Your blog will be your relationship building tool, your stage and another platform for your call to action.
If you already have a blog, make sure you’re actively building relationships with your readers. Answer their questions, post regularly and be a mentor, friend and role model. In doing so, you will find it an easy task to convince your audience to join your membership site. You will also be able to pick their brains and find out what your course should offer!
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Still Not Sure? How About Some FREE Information?
If you’re not sure you want to invest in Yaro’s course, download his free report and get a taste for his teaching style and knowledge: The Membership Site Masterplan
Topic Tags:
blog mastermind, blogging, how to start internet business, make money online, membership site, membership site mastermind, membership site masterplan, online business opportunities, yaro starak