The Importance of Your Domain Name Extension
It’s normal when you first set up a new website to purchase only one domain for it (usually the .com version). But, once your website starts to gain traffic and search engine rankings, it’s important to secure your online brand by purchasing the other extensions for your domain name (.net, .org, .biz, etc.). Otherwise, you leave yourself vulnerable to competitors or other webmasters who may purchase those domains.
Why would someone want to purchase my domain’s extensions?
Professional Domain Purchasers:
They may want to purchase them so they can sell them to you at a MUCH higher cost. EXAMPLE: Years ago, The Learning Cafe (an article marketing client of mine) purchased the domain for around $8.00/year. The domain name was purchased by (a domain purchaser/seller). Today, offers the .com version for $1700.00! So, if The Learning Cafe wished to secure their online presence by purchasing the .com extension, they would have to pay $1692.00 MORE than what their normal domain registrar charges!
Traffic Thieves
If you receive a high volume of traffic, dishonest webmasters may try to steal a little bit of it. Let’s say you purchase Someone else could purchase to catch any of your visitors who happen to type rather than .com into their address bar.
Also, many people will type the name of the website they want to visit into a search engine. If someone else has purchased your domain’s other extensions, their websites will show up in the search engine’s results along with yours. Your customer may accidentally click through to their site!
You’re the one who did all of the work to gain high traffic and, in less than 10 minutes, a traffic thief can purchase one of your domain’s extensions and grab a piece of it.
It’s always important to secure your website’s address.
Do yourself a BIG favor today and secure your website’s traffic and search engine rankings by purchasing your domain’s other extensions. Here are the ones I always suggest you grab in order of importance:
#1 = .com
#2 = .net
#3 = .org
#4 = .biz (optional)
#5 = .info (optional)
Before you purchase your other extensions…
I was able to get a special coupon for my readers! It’s from my favorite web hosting company, Network Solutions. You can buy 3 or more new domain names for only $15/year each! This coupon includes .com, .net, .org, .biz, .us, .info and .name extensions. You will save $19.95 per domain!
The coupon expires on May 31, 2009!
Your Coupon Code: PCXXX02937
It’s ready and working! To use your coupon, just click “Redeem Offer Code” on the checkout page and paste in the code. TIP: Network Solutions always defaults domain purchases to 5 years. Use the dropdown to change it to 1 year.
I prefer Network Solutions as they’ve been a big name in web hosting for several years. Their customer service is the best I’ve experienced from a hosting company. If you choose not to work with Network Solutions, you may want to consider Name Cheap. I’ve never used their services, but I know a lot of people recommend them.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know!
P.S. If you happen to need web hosting too, you can get a FREE domain with an annual purchase of Networks Solutions’ web hosting!
Topic Tags:
domain extensions, internet marketing, internet scams, network solutions