Social Networking
→ How to Use Twitter as an Effective Social Media Tool
Twitter is an invaluable social media tool for small businesses and blogs. One study by CMB Consumer Pulse suggests that 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend those brands...
→ Social Media Success Summit 2010 – Learn How to Get Free Tickets or the Early Bird Special!
I just purchased my ticket for this year’s Social Media Success Summit and wanted to make sure all of my readers were made aware of this opportunity. This will be my first year attending...
→ My New Facebook Like Toolbar – What It Is and How You Can Get One
I’ll be honest with you – I’m a COMPLETE SUCKER for new plugins, widgets, code, scripts and anything else I can get to jazz up a website. I’ve installed a ton of plugins on my blog...
→ Shameless Self-Promotion: Confidence Can Grow Your Internet Business!
Shameless self-promotion is a concept every online business owner needs to understand. When you first enter the Internet scene, you’re pretty much on your own – you don’t start with...
→ Join the Facebook Fan Page!
Well, it’s about time, huh? I’ve officially set up a fan page on Facebook for my blog! Become a Fan What Can You Do As a Fan? Introduce Yourself! Post Pictures of Your Website or Yourself! Post...
→ Are You Screwed When It Comes to Social Media?
Yesterday I received an email from a friend in regards to a certain Internet marketer by the name of Perry Belcher. Now, I had never heard of this guy, but apparently he’s made an astonishing...