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Squeeze Page 101: Are You Squeezing Your Email List?

Keller Hawthorne | November 19, 2009 | 18 Comments
Email Marketing 101
Squeeze Page 101: Are You Squeezing Your Email List?

You may have noticed a new list generation trend in the Internet marketing world called the Squeeze Page. Major gurus have used these for quite some time, but they appear to be breaking out big time right now – even onto the blogging and WordPress scene!

So, what the heck is this form of list building, what’s the difference between it and a normal landing page and should you and I begin utilizing it in our own marketing methods? Geez… we sure know how to ask a lot of questions :)! Let’s see if we can’t find the answers together.

What Is a Squeeze Page?

The purpose of a squeeze page couldn’t be simpler – it asks for information from your visitors, but not just any information. It asks for very little information – most commonly just an email address.

That is the life-blood of a squeeze page – it requests information from a visitor in return for information. The information you offer can consist of a free report, newsletter, video, podcast, a WordPress theme – anything you want! Essentially, a squeeze page promotes your opt-in.

Squeeze Page = “Squeezes” Information Out of Visitors

What’s the Difference Between a Squeeze Page and a Landing Page?

I wondered the same thing the first time I heard about squeeze pages. I figured it was just a new term for landing pages, but I quickly learned that it’s an entity in of itself.

Landing Page

The standard landing page is used as a “middle man” between a potential customer and an affiliate’s website. If you’re promoting an affiliate product, you would utilize a landing page as a pre-sales site; up-selling the product you’re about to redirect your traffic to.

Landing pages can also be used to pre-sell your own products.

Squeeze Page

A squeeze page, on the other hand, does not redirect traffic to any other site or page. It simply asks for your information so that visitors can be added to the website owner’s contact/email list. It’s a very popular and highly effective email list building tool. An opt-in is all it wants from you.

Tip!To Learn More, Download the FREE Report, “Squeeze Pages 101” by Squeeze Theme.

Why Should I Use a Squeeze Page?

Did you know that people are more likely to buy your product or purchase your affiliate promotion if they have a relationship with you? Of course you do! It makes sense, right? If you recommend a store to one of your friends, they’re more likely to visit it then if you recommend it to a stranger. Why? Because you and your friend have established a sense of trust. You care about each others’ opinions and listen to each others’ recommendations. Talk about a prime sales channel!

If you’ve been in the Internet marketing scene for any amount of time, you’ve certainly heard of the importance of email lists. But why are they important?

The All-Powerful Email List

An email list is vital for initiating and building relationships. Many gurus have claimed that it can take up to 7 communications between you and a lead before your lead will become an income source. So, what’s the difference between your first communication and your 7th? Your RELATIONSHIP.

If someone has stayed on your email list through 7 communications, they’re most likely listening to you or enjoying your information. They’re learning more about you. A sense of trust is being established. That trusting relationship leads to conversions! And conversions, as we all know, mean income.

I know, I know – you already know how important an email list is and its purpose. But what the heck does a squeeze page have to do with it?

Email List + Squeeze Page

Since a squeeze page’s sole purpose is to initiate an opt-in, it’s an ideal platform for list building. A squeeze page is simple and contains only one call-to-action.

Opt-in opportunities can get lost on a blog or website that contains tons of content, ads, social network links and promotions/products. A squeeze page purposely lacks all of these distractions and focuses on only one goal – OPT-INS!

Squeeze Pages have been proven to be more effective than sidebar widgets, popups and sales letters for increasing opt-ins!

When Should You Use Squeeze Pages?

This is simple – if you want to build an email list or gain leads, use a squeeze page! Here are some examples of what a squeeze page can be used for:

  • Your Blog/Website Newsletter
  • Your RSS Feed
  • Pre-Launch of a Product
  • The Home Page of Your Website
  • List Building for Affiliate Promotions

It really doesn’t matter what type of product or service you’re selling – if you need to get information from your traffic, a squeeze page comes in quite handy.

Squeeze pages have also become popular tools for Adwords campaigns.

How to Use a Squeeze Page

I recently published a lens on Squidoo titled “How to Build the Best Squeeze Page,” where I discuss in detail how to create and design your own squeeze page. For this section, I want to discuss how you would use one – how they can fit in with your current website.

Two Page Website:

This used to be a very popular form of a squeeze page. You give it its own domain and direct traffic to it from PPC campaigns, your current website or emails. There is no real “meat” on the site – it’s just your squeeze page and the confirmation page.

This style is often used by affiliates.

Home Page:

Whether you have a blog or a standard website, using a squeeze page as the index can dramatically increase your number of opt-ins. In this case, you could keep your navigation links in tact so that visitors can get straight to your content if they’re uninterested in your opt-in.

Entry Page:

A squeeze page works extremely well as the entry page for a membership site or information product website. Yaro Starak uses this concept on his Blog Mastermind site. If you visit that link, you will be taken to a page that promotes his free report. However, the entire site is actually set up for his membership course, which you will be directed to once you’ve opted in.

How is this different from a landing page? In this case, the squeeze page itself doesn’t pre-sell a product – the information you give for opting in does.

Video Squeeze Page

A video style is simply a squeeze page that showcases a video and perhaps offers more videos to your opt-in list. These have become extremely popular and can load your email list with highly targeted leads! An alternative to video would be audio in the form of podcasts and interviews.

Tip!To Learn More, Download the FREE Report, “Squeeze Pages 101” by Squeeze Theme.

The Structure of a Squeeze Page

Like I said earlier, a squeeze page is extremely simple. It focuses on demanding opt-ins, so distractions, such as links to other websites or other call-to-actions, are elements not found within their structure.

The basic structure goes like this:

  • POWERFUL Headline
  • List of BENEFITS
  • Ethical BRIBE
  • OPT-IN Form
  • Privacy Policy

Common design features include:

  • All Content Visible ABOVE THE FOLD
  • Intro VIDEO
  • Into AUDIO
  • ARROWS and Eye-Catching Graphics

Simple, right? To get a visual, why don’t we take a look at some awesome squeeze pages…

Examples of Killer Squeeze Pages

The following is a snapshot of one of the BEST squeeze pages I’ve come across. The website is Niche Profit Classroom and the message is clear – “There’s something IMPORTANT here. Opt-In NOW!”

Niche Profit Classroom

You might recognize our next example. That’s right – Facebook’s home page is in fact a squeeze page!


Our last example is the home page of the well know premium WordPress theme developer, Unique Blog Designs.

Unique Blog Designs

Here is a fantastic text-based squeeze page created by a recent guest blogger of mine. The website is Squidoo ECourse. It’s clean, simple and to the point.

Squidoo ECourse

What Do Each of These Examples Have In Common?

  • Each wants only ONE thing from you – your information.
  • Each has a very OBVIOUS opt-in form.
  • Each has a POWERFUL, simple headline.
  • Each has only ONE call-to-action.
  • None contain payment requests.
  • Our first two examples lack any sort of navigation link area – a common practice for ensuring little distractions.
  • Our first and last examples have BIG, NOTICABLE opt-in buttons.
  • Our first and last examples offer an ethical BRIBE (a video and a report).
Tip!To Learn More, Download the FREE Report, “Squeeze Pages 101” by Squeeze Theme.

So, hopefully we now have a pretty good idea of what a squeeze page is, how to use one and why we might want to jump on the bandwagon.

Do You Use Squeeze Pages? What Other Ways Might They Come in Handy?

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