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Are You Screwed When It Comes to Social Media?

Keller Hawthorne | July 22, 2009 | 8 Comments
Social Networking

Screw.pngYesterday I received an email from a friend in regards to a certain Internet marketer by the name of Perry Belcher. Now, I had never heard of this guy, but apparently he’s made an astonishing living through utilizing social media. Just to see for myself, I visited his Twitter profile and sure enough – this guy has over 100,000 followers!

Since I just started my blog and social media exploration in May, my twitter audience is no match to his with a mere 300. But, it looks like time is no excuse as Perry gained his 100,000 followers in only 9 short months. He earns $1 per follower every month!

So, I decided to dig a little deeper and learn more about this Perry guy. It seems he’s offering some free videos and reports on social media. This is of course a lead up to a product he will be launching this week called “The Social Media Money System.”

It’s Hard to Convince Me

I get a bunch of emails everyday from people throwing free information at me in the hopes that I will end up purchasing something from them later – I’m sure you can relate. Every once in awhile, an email catches my eye and I’ll take a look at the offer. But, for the most part I click the delete button.

I’m a Sucker for Killer Information

This particular email did catch my eye since I could see that this Perry guy wasn’t just talking the talk – he did in fact have a HUGE FOLLOWING online. So, I took a few minutes to sign up for his free report and look through his information.

The report ended up being the last thing I viewed as he provides 3 videos where he talks to you one-on-one. I’ve seen enough online videos to establish my own production company in my head, but the process was quick and easy, so I watched.

The First Thing He Told Me Was I’m Screwed

That’s right – as a newbie to the world of social media and getting my name out there as an Internet marketer, I’m screwed. Surprisingly, this made me crack up – he’s quite animated and really funny. He explained that with no following, there was no way I would be able to catch up to the big time Internet marketers.

This falls right in line with the concept of SEO and traffic. It doesn’t matter how gorgeous your website looks or how phenomenal your content is – if no one sees it, it’s worth nothing in terms of profit.

So, what if you have lots of traffic? Well, that’s fantastic, but is it converting into leads or sales? Many online experts agree it takes at least 7 communications between you and your potential customer to actually convince them to purchase from you. Hence the need for email marketing. But, less people are inclined to give up their email addresses these days for yet another newsletter – except for mine of course :).

Social Media Replaces Email Marketing?

More Internet users are deciding to follow people on their favorite social networks rather than sign up for newsletters. This means, us Internet marketers have to learn about this new environment and how to leverage it for profit. This is where Perry’s info comes into play.

He explained social media in a way I had never heard before. He refers to it as the “Party Principle.” The basic concept is this – would you try to sell something to someone you just met? Well, perhaps if you’re a door-to-door encyclopedia sales person. But, social media is NOT door-to-door marketing (or at least it shouldn’t be).

It’s about building relationships with your audience, helping them out by providing guidance or free information, and nurturing a LASTING business friendship. People will buy from you when they know and trust you (and of course need what you’re offering). Social media is about building that trust so that later on, your audience WILL sign up for your email newsletter and eventually purchase from you!

Social Media Newbie or Not, Here I Come…

I am a COMPLETE NEWBIE when it comes to social media marketing. I wasn’t even on Twitter, Facebook or Digg prior to my blog launch. So, I’m the exact person Perry is targeting with his free report.

If you’re a newbie like me, or perhaps you’ve been doing this for awhile, but haven’t seen great results, I want to personally URGE you to check out Perry’s free info. Here’s what you’ll get to see as soon as you enter your email address:

  • VIDEO: Social Media Party Principle
  • VIDEO: Social Media “Matrix”
  • REPORT: 3 BIG Ways to Monetize Social Media – WITHOUT Pissing People Off
  • VIDEO: Where I get “Pre-Tested” content to Tweet

Now, I know it’s getting harder and harder to give up your email address, but I strongly urge you to check this guy out. I REALLY enjoyed the videos and report.

I was so impressed that I fell right into his trap – I will be looking out for his product launch this week. “The Social Media Money System” opens up on July 23, 2009 at 12 Noon EST.

You don’t have to buy anything to learn from this guy. You can enter your info, check out his stuff, and unsubscribe to his newsletter later if you want. But, at least check out the videos and report. They made me think about social media in a whole new way.

I Refuse to Be Ignored!

I might be just starting out in the world of social media, but after watching Perry’s videos, I’m excited and motivated to up my game. So, why don’t you and I start this ride together? Follow me on the following social networks and I’ll follow you back! Together, we can learn, grow and conquer the Internet!

What Is Your Social Media Principle? How Has Social Networking Helped or Hurt Your Online Business?

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