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How Everyone Can Make Money During Our Best WordPress Design Contest!

Keller Hawthorne | September 2, 2009 | 11 Comments
Best WP Design Contest
How Everyone Can Make Money During Our Best WordPress Design Contest!

This post is relevant to both our nominees AND any of you who may be interested in discussing our contest.

Our Best WordPress Design Contest has created quite a buzz online. All 55 nominees are promoting the contest in order to obtain votes. Whether it’s through tweets, diggs, Facebook Shares, etc. – you name it, the contest is being promoted somehow online.

Even our fabulous sponsors (like Yaro Starak of Blog Mastermind and Become a Blogger) are tweeting about it!


Within the first 24 hours of voting, 200 people cast their vote for their favorite nominee!

So let’s see – we have:

  • a fresh buzz online
  • a large number of people discussing a particular event
  • big names helping to promote it
  • a short window of opportunity for a call-to-action

Humm… how can we each take advantage of this event?

Money Making Opportunities

Promote WordPress Themes

Michelle Adams, one of our fabulous nominees, took a unique approach to promoting our contest. In her contest submission post, she took the OPPORTUNITY to promote the creators of her WordPress Design! She discussed why she loves her theme and included her affiliate link in order to promote some sales. Fantastic job Michelle! Just look at some of the comments her post has received so far. Can you spot any potential affiliate commissions?


This is the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to promote your or one of our nominee’s WordPress themes! Write a post about the contest and highlight one of your favorite nominees. Discuss the theme they’re using, the creators of the theme and why the theme rocks! Finish it off with some affiliate links and you’re all set to make some money.

If you currently use Blogger, take the opportunity to promote cool Blogger Themes! If you use TypePad, start writing about why you think everyone should use it.

Promote Web Designers

Don’t have a blog? Well, why not take this opportunity to discuss your own website design and promote the designer! Contact your web designer and find out if they can offer you a commission on referrals. If so, get to work on writing a post discussing our contest and why web design is so important for website owners. Add your referral link and pat yourself on the back!

Write a How-To Post

Whether or not you’re a nominee, you can take part in this easy money making opportunity. Why not write a post about how you developed your website or blog? Discuss the plugins you use, your newsletter software or the software you used to create your logo! People LOVE how-to articles and this content could help you grab more RSS Subscribers, Newsletter Subscribers, etc.

Nominees – why not write a post about why you chose your theme and how you incorporated it into your WordPress blog! For an example, check out my post How I Designed My Blog – Summary of Platform, Theme and Plugins.

Write a Review of Your Favorite Nominee

Have an opinion on which of our nominees has the best design? Why not write a post discussing your thoughts! Not only can this help you grab some of the traffic being built around our contest, you may also initiate a relationship with one of our nominees – networking is huge for building your audience and making money online.

Promote Web Hosts

Each of our nominees has to host their blog somewhere, right? Why not take this opportunity to discuss awesome blog Web Hosts! You could write an entire post focused on web hosts specifically set up to handle WordPress blogs, OR you could write about web hosts that offer easy blog installations!

Promote WordPress Plugins

Have you developed a plugin? Do you see any of our nominees using it? Why not highlight your plugin by showcasing a nominee’s blog and discussing how they utilized it!

Network, Network, Network

This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to network with some fellow bloggers. Why not contact your favorite nominee and see if they’d be willing to do an interview, write a guest post, or form a joint venture with you! It would be very easy to grab their attention if you were to discuss the contest and promote your favorite nominee.

Also, why not connect with each of our nominees on your favorite social network? Start building your Twitter, Facebook and Whatever-the-Heck followers!

Get Your Design Showcased

This tip is specifically for each of our nominees. Your blog is a nominee in a BEST DESIGN CONTEST! Why not let your theme developer know that. Many WP designers showcase blogs who use their themes. I’ll bet they would be VERY interested to hear your design is awesome enough to be in a contest. They might just add you to their showcase OR tweet about your nomination!

Tip!Have You Cast Your Vote for the Best WordPress Design of 2009? Vote Here!

Take Advantage of Our Contest Today!

I’ve listed only a few ideas on how you can capitalize on our event. Some of these activities may not incur money directly, but in time they will benefit you and your online business by expanding your network and offering great content to your readers!

What Are Some Other Ways Each of Us Can Make Money During This Contest?

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